Proven Student Outcomes

Fountain Gate Secondary College Rugby Academy

Pilot Program

Sporting Outcomes

Development from Rugby Academy’s initial year 2015 to 2019


  • Classes at Year 9 – Year 12

  • 120 students participating in rugby and training at the school

  • Formation of the Rugby Pre-academy for Year 7 and 8 students

  • 95% of the academy playing club rugby, with 30 state representative players

  • 25 state and major competition championship titles since the academy began

  • Multiple higher sporting honours, including:

    • Trevor Hosea: two-time Junior Wallaby, current

      Melbourne Rebel and current Wallaby

    • Melbourne Rebels contracted players Trevor Hosea, Lebron Naea, Sebastian Sialau, Eyda Haisila, Ngalu Kavapalu, Antonia Masina, Leafi Talataina

    • Utumalefata Eli: Rebels Super W

    • Tyra Boysen: Rebels Super W

    • Hope Kareta: Rebels Super W

    • Harmony Vatau: Rebels Super W

    • Chantelle Latu: Rebels Super W

    • Atalani Fa’aiuaso: Rebels Super W

    • Moses Poreo: Junior Wallabies extended squad

    • Ngalu Kavapalu: Junior Wallaby Squad

    • Eyda Haisila: Junior Wallaby

    • Lebron Naea: Junior Wallaby

    • Leafi Talataina: Junior Wallaby

    • More than 30 state age group representative students


  • One Year 9 and one Year 10 elective class

  • 30 initial students spread over the two classes

  • No program for Year 7 and 8 students

  • 90% of the academy had no prior club rugby experience, with only one state representative player

  • Two state rugby championships from years prior to the academy beginning

  • No students with higher sporting honours

Former Fountain Gate Secondary College student now making waves with the Melbourne Rebels. Trevor was part of the first year of the Rugby Academy which has created a pathway for more youth to fulfil their sporting dreams. Creator of the Rugby Academy, Jimmy Orange is now bringing these academies to more schools in Australia with Academy Movement.

Student Outcomes

Proven Outcomes Photo.png
  • In 2014, 14% of students with Māori or Pasifika backgrounds commenced a VCE course in Year 11. In 2019, this percentage grew to 90%.

  • 86% of the students who start the Rugby Academy in Year 9 go on to commence VCE.

  • Noticeable reductions in school yard conflicts and classroom behavioural referrals for academy students.

  • 100% of school refusers began to attend school on a full time basis when given the opportunity to be a part of the academy.

  • 95% completion of the SIS20115 Certificate II Sport and Recreation qualification in Year 10 from 2015 – 2019.

  • 97% completion of the SIS30115 Certificate III Sport and Recreation qualification in Year 12 from 2017 – 2019.

  • 85% increase in students completing Year 12 and going on to tertiary study and employment

Proven Student Outcomes

Melton Secondary College Rugby Academy

Melton Secondary College 2022 - Present

Academy Movement launched the Melton Secondary College Academy at the commencement of the 2022 school year after a rigorous planning period during Semester Two 2021. The early data already show very promising student outcomes.

First Term Data

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) data across all subjects increase in one term from average of 1.93 to 2.95 and now over 3.20.

  • 43 of the 44 students in the rugby academy have improved GPA with the remaining one student staying at the same high GPA average.

  • 100% of students have reported positive or neutral mental health from the Skodel check in application.

  • Positive Behaviour, Attendance and Respect (BAR) data across 9 of the first 10 weeks of the school year in 2022

  • All Year 11 Rugby Academy students in 2023 are undertaking an academic VCE pathway.